
The Positive Effects of Customized Foot Insoles

A recent article published in the Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association reveals a study in which 51 patients were evaluated.  All of the patients had medial knee osteoarthritis.  They were treated with custom made insoles with arch support and a 5.0 to 8.7 degree lateral wedge.  They were then evaluated for pain at rest, at night, after 30 minutes of walking and after 50 minutes of walking.  There was a significant reduction in pain and improvements in function and quality of life with use of the insoles.

Although here at Podiatry Associates we treat foot and ankle pain, we specialize in custom insoles.  We understand that the function of the foot is directly related to the knee, hip and back.  It has been estimated that 12% of the population over the age of 60 have knee osteoarthritis.  This results in significant limitations and health care costs.  10 times more of these patients have medial knee osteoarthritis than lateral knee osteoarthritis.  It is recommended that these patients be treated conservatively before considering surgery.  Treatments to reduce medial load are very important in these patients.  Previous studies using pre-fabricated lateral wedges did not show significant improvements.  Therefore, we are recommending custom insoles for these patients.


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